Read Neil Gaiman’s American Gods free

HarperCollins has a web program called Browse Inside that allows you to browse books on your computer before buying them. Although most of the books in the program offer 20% of the book for your reading pleasure, HarperCollins is testing the effect on sales of offering full text versions. For the next month (March 2008) you can read Neil Gaiman’s American Gods for free, along with a number of other titles that don’t excite me as much.

If you’ve never read American Gods, this is a fantastic opportunity. It’s a wonderful book, and the Browse Inside application is pretty slick. For iPhone users, there is also a version of Browse Inside specially formatted for your phone.

Go. Read. Enjoy.

3 responses to “Read Neil Gaiman’s American Gods free”

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  1. chezfugu says:

    I became a huge Gaiman fan (like many) after reading Neverwhere…but American Gods didn’t do much for me when I read it back in 2003. I’m going to give it another go – great tip. I’m also going to take a look at Thich Nhat Hanh’s ‘The Art of Power’ – I’m a big fan of his teachings.

  2. Ian Beck says:

    Heh, funny. The first time I read American Gods, it wasn’t really my thing, either. When I left it for a few years and came back, I liked it a lot more, though. I think it was the superfluous graphic parts that bugged me originally. Second time through I knew they were coming and was able to enjoy the story around them, though.

    Have you tried Anansi Boys? It’s the same world as American Gods, but it’s very different.

    I didn’t notice they had Thich Nhat Hanh! He’s a pretty cool dude (although the two books by him that I’ve read were practically identical). I’ll have to give that a look-see.

  3. chezfugu says:

    No, haven’t tried Anansi Boys – I’ll check it out

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